Monday, November 19, 2012

Keep it simple

"Simplicity Parenting" by Kim John Payne is a welcome calm in the stormy
chaotic world of present day parenting.

Payne is an advocate for Waldorf style education as his philosophy aligns a lot with Waldorf teachings. This book encourages parents to make life more simple, and thus enjoyable for themselves and their children. The opening chapter mentions that most children have on average 150 toys and that most are rarely played with. He dedicates a whole chapter to helping parents declutter and states that children will play more if they have less!

Something I took away from this book was the "gift of boredom".Payne believes that it is a good thing to let children experience boredom, that it fosters creativity. He writes that children today are so over scheduled that they don't have the chance to have to create their own fun. I am trying to embrace boredom now by following Payne's advice and sitting back and letting my kids find something to do. They always come up with something fun, and I can see their creativity in action.

Well worth reading, I think children and parents will both benefit from this book.

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