Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Apocalypse Now

I am a huge fan of zombie movies, so it is about time I read a zombie book! After waiting for months on the library's wait list, I finally got my hands on "World War Z". I was lucky enough to get the large print text edition which made it faster to read! I couldn't put this one down, and finished it in two days. I was bracing myself for vivid zombie dreams but they have not happened...yet.

I was first turned on to this book after seeing the trailer for the upcoming movie of the same name due out in June. The story is written in interview format, years after the "Great Panic" when a zombie uprising affected the entire world. Fascinating recounts from all over the globe are included, from Canada's arctic to life aboard a Chinese submarine ( zombies in this war can survive under water).

I am next going to read this book's prequel, "Zombie Survival Guide". A great read! Enjoy it zombie fans!

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